In the 20th century, cheap and abundant energy brought previously unimaginable advances in health, wealth, and technology, and fed an explosion in population and consumption. But these advances have come at a considerable cost. Climate change, diminishing oil supplies, freshwater depletion, species extinction, and a host of economic and social problems challenge us as never before. We team up with leading research and advocacy groups like the Post Carbon Institute and Foundation for Deep Ecology to produce hard-hitting yet realistic assessments of the urgent resource issues before us.
WATER CONSCIOUSNESSHow we all have to changes to protect our most critical resource
Impressed by Watershed Media’s unique approach to book design, the digital media organization AlterNet asked us to collaborate with them on Water Consciousness. This book combined our definitive style of short chapters along with plenty of images and infographics that make complex and sometimes technical information come alive for the reader. There’s also plenty of suggestions on what policy makers, educators, and everyday citizens can do to protect this most essential global resource.
ENERGY Over development and the Delusion ofendless growth
Watershed Media has a long-standing collaboration with the Foundation for Deep Ecology and the Post Carbon Institute, the producers of this powerful book project on the true costs of energy production. Combined with hundreds of behind-the-scenes photos and dozens of essays, this book offers an unflinching view of the world’s insatiable appetite for energy sources and the resulting ecological impacts of mining, transportation, and climate change.
THE POST CARBON READERManaging the hide the 21 century's sustainability crises
We were considering work on a 21st century economics book, when the Post Carbon Institute approached us to co-publish a collection of articles on the subject. The resulting Post Carbon Reader has gone through at least five reprints and continues to be adopted by universities, public agencies, and NGO leaders looking to link innovative economic and policy approaches to the urgent environmental challenges we face.
HOW You Can Help
Exercise Your Energy Literacy.
Take the Energy Reality Pledge here
Practice Mindful Conservation.
Cut down on your water use and reuse water as often as possible.Install a low flow showerhead, fix leaks, eat less meat and avoid disposable products. Take the water footprint calculator quiz here
Support Regional Self-sufficiency.
Support reslience against resource shortages by engaging in activities that are rooted in local production and
conservation. In other words, meet your needs locally whenever possible and practical — especially when you can do things for yourself. -
Get Organized.
Carpool, use electronic timers, plan shopping trips, become vigilant about making the most of the energy and resources you do consume.
Click here to print a complete list of actions you can take in your everyday life.