Paul Stammets

“Mycelium Running”

Paul Stammets is one of the world’s leading reserachers and writers about the world of mushrooms.

Wendell Berry

“In Conversation”

A memorable one-hour interview with America’s pre-eminent laureate whose books, essays, poems and novels have deeply addressed the effect of industrial agriculture on rural communities, the human economy and the natural world.

Temple Grandin

“Animals Make Us Human”

Dr. Temple Grandin is an author and animal behaviorist who has spent her life advocating for better treatment of livestock, particularly to reduce stress during slaughter. She has also become well known as a highly functioning autistic person and is the subject of a popular movie.

Ann Mendelson

“The Surprising Story of Milk”

Ann Mendelson is a food journalist and culinary historian. Her excellent 2008 book on milk chronicles the role of dairy products from a wide range of perspectives, including dietary, health and agricultural impacts.

Rowan Jacobsen

“Fruitless Fall”

Rowan Jacobsen is an acclaimed food and science writer and author of numerous books, including A Geography of Oysters.

Michael Phillips

“The Holistic Orchard” 2

Michael Phillips is an author, herbalist and organic orchardist whose books include The Apple Grower and The Holistic Orchard, both by Chelsea Green.

Michael Pollan

“The Omnivore’s Dilemma”

Michael Pollan is one of America’s best known food writers, including his books The Botany of Desire and The Omnivore’s Dilemma. He is also a professor of journalism at the University of California Berkeley.

Michael Phillips

“The Holistic Orchard” 1

Michael Phillips is an author, herbalist and organic orchardist whose books include The Apple Grower and The Holistic Orchard, both by Chelsea Green.

Gene Logsdon

“The Last of the Husbandmen”

Gene Logsdon is an Ohio-based farmer and one of America’s most prolific, intelligent and humorous chroniclers of agriculture and rural issues. We talk about his book, “The Last of the Husbandmen.”

Gary Nabhan

“Why Some Like it Hot”

Gary Nabhan is a MacArthur Award recipient and author of dozens of books about ecology, agriculture and food with a particular expertise in the American southwest where he lives.